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Nowadays, people protect environmental resources, pursuing continuous development. It’s not only an action but also a global trend to preserve a pure environment for our descendents. All Right Conscientious & Development Co., Ltd holds the consciousness of “Save energy,reduce the carbon and cherish the earth.” Gives the attention to both “economical development and environmental protection” and asks to implement all regulations regarding environmental acts. It will develop and research new recyclable techniques continuously, take part in environmental protection and expect for “sympathizing human beings, cherishing creatures, circulating generation after generation and preserving the land permanently.” It will also look for making good use of resources continuously, protecting the environment with practical actions and take thus take up the response as a member of the global village.
Operational Principles
All Right Consultant & Development Co., Ltd asks itself to pay more attention to environmental details than the same trade and believes the key point to win customers’ trust depends on the concepts of management : “legitimate, Professional,service and trust.”
● Enforcing environment protection policy, conforming to regulation requirements.
● Developing R&D technology, making better use of waste.
● Treasuring earth resources, pursing sustainable development.
All Right Consultant & Development Co., Ltd.
No.42, Lane 85, Longyuan Rd., Longtan Dist,Taoyuan City 325, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
http: // www.allright168.com.tw